Monday 10 October 2011

Journal Day 18

Starting 18 days in, with last Friday journal writing's. If you don't mind :).

Presentations and critiques are designed to allow artists to step back and evaluate their work. To see it uncluttered in the fresh light of day. For me, this works. And this morning's end of project evaluation helped me more than I could have anticipated.

Just to catch any readers who are interested up to date (Hi there Mum!), the course has thus started like this;

Week 1- drawing!
Week 2- Beginning of projects. Year split into two groups. One group spends 3 weeks in making, the other in 2D. Through those weeks we learn different aspects of those categories mediums. I was in making. However week 2 I was also in Lisbon. ( :D).
Week 3- Continue Making projects
Week 4- Finish Making projects
Week 5- (This week) Start 2D element of course for the next 3 weeks.

And so the making group started without me while I was in Lisbon. They had induction's onto sewing machines and wood and metal work machines as well as introductions onto the 3 making projects. I started one of these (message) whilst I was away, and then returned to spend week 3 catching up with the other 2 projects. To make it easier for myself and my journal I will post separately for these 3 projects. Feel free to read or ignore those posts as you wish.

So back to Friday morning (this morning, actually, as I write this.) Friday morning we had the presentation of our making projects to the programme leader Jane. We were to select one of our 3 projects to present and bring it to a small group of 10 others, who you were to discuss it with.

Although slightly nervous about what to expect, the presentation turned out to be hugely insightful into more than just our projects and current work. We discussed our ideas behind the project, and how we felt we could developed the project further. And from this, and our previous work and projects Jane could notice small details about our personalities and artistic styles in such a way as to help us further narrow down the speciality we want to pick by the end of the year.

As the projects, and my own research go on, this is what I'm learning;

I don't just want to work in 2D or with computers, but with materials and my hands.
I am interested in the ways people think and view different things.
This links to my interest in analytical art history.
I like to create interactive art instalments that include people being involved.
I like fashion illustration, but am not so interested in fashion design and clothing via textiles.
I like interiors and architectural structures.

All this has so far lead me to look at specialising in the following areas;

interior design
fashion design
visual communication

And now I just have to continue narrowing that down. Fun or what!? So far, it means that I constantly have a pile of at least 5 books sat next to me on my desk. Just taunting me to read them :).

Any thoughts? I'd be grateful to hear them :)

Abiento x

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