Friday 24 June 2011


For this months project with 'From Our Hearts to Our Hands', the word was 'Communication'. I mentioned that I found Kelly's submission inspiring, and so set about to create mine. It didn't take me long, and to be honest is long overdue being shared on here!

Well here it is: I chose to focus my ideas into the title 'Actions speak louder than words'

"The mr is always saying to me how his actions speak louder than his words, and it got me thinking about the many ways in which we can communicate with actions. There are the larger variety, such as signing, but we use basic actions in our day to day life that also communicate for us a whole lot. Just a simple touch can say a million things, and only the people involved in that physical interaction will understand it.
So I wanted to capture our most basic forms of active communication, and so chose to photograph in a space where it is hard to use words, and where actions are frequently used for expression; a night club. In the image is one of my friends and her boyfriend. To me their communication could be simple; they are hugging and showing affection for each other. But the communication can go further than that. For example, Emma's arm on Matt's chest shows her comfort with him, while his arm around her shoulder shows protectiveness, and even ownership."

Abiento x

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