Wednesday 30 March 2011

Falmouth: Interview #2.

SO. #2. This time around the interview was for the photography degree course at Falmouth. Same school. Different qualification. Different medium. And boy was I nervous.

Being that I have only been back home for oh, 1 and a half days, I was severely unprepared! I had my portfolio put together before I left for Canada, but didn't have much time to add the full bulk of my recent images, so felt a bit bereft.

For the foundation interview I wasn't nervous. If I'm honest, I was pretty sure I had it in the bag. And lucky for me, I did! But this time around, I'm not so sure. Not at all. I came back from Canada not even sure if I was going to go to the interview, if I would even want the place if it were offered to me. But I decided that it would only be a couple of hours out of my life, so I might as well go. When I got there I realised that maybe I did want this...... and the nerves increased.

The interview itself was short. Ridiculously short. They looked through my work and asked me 2 questions. Thats it. And those questions were: "What modules did you take while you were at UBC?" and "Have you applied anywhere else?". THAT WAS IT!!? What!? I know. I actually said to them- 'Oh-is that it!?' But apparently so. They said that my work showed them all they needed to know, and that those were the only questions they had for me. So off I went. Or at least I tried to leave.....but, just as I was trying to pack up my many many sketchbooks, my portfolio case broke. Yup handle came off, zip split, the whole shabang. Oh feck. Oh and look there's the next person coming in for their interview. Great. After I finally squeezed it all back in, and lugged the heavy bugger up through campus back to my car (after about 5 short breaks) I was knackered, and admittedly worried.

They did say just at the end; "Maybe the foundation course is right for you, maybe that's what you should do. But don't worry." So I left thinking.... right well there's no way I'm getting a place here then if that's what they think!

I'm not sure how this one is gonna turn out, but fingers crossed!

Abiento x


  1. Best of luck! I really like your photos from this lasttrip!

  2. I'm not surprised you were knackered - took me all my time to pick up one of those portfolio cases when you moved out!!!!

    Doesn't sound encouraging but fingers crossed - you never know xx


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