Monday 31 January 2011

New house!

We have moved! Just for you nosy people, because I know there are lots of you, here are some pictures of our new room......

Plus that random shelf you can see in the above picture, is infact.....

A crawl space!!

Look at all that lovely storage space :)

After my long week of being busy, I am now run down and have a cold :(. But I do recommend for anyone that likes a bit of stand up comedy that you go to see Stephen K Amos. Or you could just watch him on the comedy channel. He is brilliant. Hope you all had a great weekend!

Abitento x


  1. Oooh!!! Wardrobe looks nice in there! Glad you managed to get it together again...! x

  2. Quite agree - amazed it fitted - looks good - where did the bean bags come from?? xx

  3. the bean bags were already here! :)


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