Thursday 6 October 2011

Journal Writing (playing catch up)

Please feel free to ignore this post if you wish. However as part of my course I have to write a Journal, and I have to say that I am finding that it is easier and more successful through this space. And so I need to play catch up a little bit with my Journal writing. Like I said, please ignore it if you want to.

So to begin with.

Message project.


To select a piece of art, and to then collect our response to that art into 15 words. After some ideas, we were then to narrow that down to five words for a final outcome which was to be a visual response to the piece. It was not to be a copy of the piece with the words in it, but our response based on our selected words. Plus all the words had to represented in a true type font. (i.e a real font not our handwriting).

I chose to work with this piece by Leslie Shows which I had come across months ago via Pinterest, and found to be very compelling and stunning, particularly when combined with the other images from her collection.

From this piece I chose the following words;
- rough
- voices
- crash
- blurry
- gap
- collide
- consume
- dark
- drown
- lost
- depth
- suffocate
- consume
- stuck
- silence

which I then narrowed down to words underlined. Yes I know that's 6 words! From there I spent some time just sketching my ideas based around the words, keeping it quite obvious in relation to the words and explorative of the painting and its lines.

I then went straight onto thinking about my final outcome for this project (as I was away I had no option of working onto worksheets for development as I couldn't take them with me. I planned to do this on my return.

I further drew out my sketches and my ideas, focusing on a few main ones, and then selecting my fonts.

Throughout the project I felt like I could have taken it slightly further, but there was very little I could do due to being away. However I am happy with my final outcome, and don't think it could be taken any further. What I felt I had missed was the important initial briefing onto the project and the initial use of the type fonts, which was a very different way to start a project than my small sketches on a beach in Lisbon! I do have lots of final outcome ideas for this project which I have drawn out onto worksheets to be shown. However through this project I learnt that I need to focus on developing my drawing skills further (Maybe not need but want), and that I love making things in 3d again!

So here are a couple of shots of the final outcome:

So first project explanation down :) 2 more coming up!

Abiento x

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