Guess what I'm doing tonight!? I am watching
Derren Brown! Woo Hoo!! If you have no idea who this guy is- check him out! He is a seriously clever "magician" of sorts who plays tricks with your mind using varying psychological tools. He can play with your mind like no one else. It's freaky. More on that to come later on in the week! But for now, here are the promotional photos I shot for Karen Davey of
Just Bunting last week! Karen creates, by hand, bespoke bunting; using a range of fabrics. She can create any type of bunting that you want, and can re-use a fabric special to you, or create something entirely new for a function or event you have coming up!
Essentially, the aim of our shoot, was to show to potential clients the many ways in which bunting can be used, even in their daily lives at home.
Abiento x
You know about Georgie Kirby's bunting biz?
yup I know of her work :)